A forever Family

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Kali has grown so much

Well, so much has happened in the last little while. Kali has grown so much! She now knows her ABC's...well... at least she knows the way the song sounds, but the only letters she knows are A C C C C K O P Z. Everything else is C. That is her favorite one. She also loves to read books and give lots of kisses to her little toys. She knows so many animal noises like an elephant, cow, pig, sheep, tiger, bird, horse, dog, a cat, and so many more. She also knows some signing. She loves to sing and dance, and loves to play with all of her little friends.Ryan is getting ready to be a school teacher, as well as doing real estate, and working for FedEx. He is such a hard worker and does so much for Kali and I. When he is not at work he enjoys hanging out with us, playing halo 3, and rock band.As for me, I am enjoying the time I get to spend with my little Kali. We have so much fun together. I also enjoy anything that has to do with working with my tools and crafts, Ryan loves it because I ask for all the tools for Christmas and then he doesn't have to. I have quite the selection. My favorite is my saw. Sounds crazy, I know, but it is so true. I also enjoy making this blog. When you finally get the hang of it, it is so fun.


AshlieM said...

Your blog is cute! We just did one too. Your pictures are really cute. Our blog is midgetfamily.blogspot.com .You guys need to come over and see Ty, we are here all day everyday and night

The Steele family said...
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